Dr. Irene Kleinschmidt- Altpeter, Kunstmuseum Bonn,
Abstract woodkonstruction in dialog with the space ,
catalogue to the exhibition
Bonn 1999 with Alice Musiol at Deutschen Herold Bonn
Prof. Dr. Frank Günter Zehnder, Rheinisches Landesmuseum
Bonn, trunc and space
Dr. Erika Günther, Von der Heydt- Museum Wuppertal,
woodcutting an agitation
Isabelle Bertolotti, Musée D´ Art Contemporain de
Lyon, Ein Stillleben voller Energie
Textes to the exhibition catalogue: woodcutting an agitation
Des arbres à abattre. Une exitation at the artspace Rhein -
Sieg 2002
and Musée D´ Art Contemporain de Lyon 2003
Prof. Andreas Beaugrand, technical college Bielefeld, Borobudur
Text in the exhibition catalogue: Benedikt Birckenbach, Borobudur in
GSF-National Research Center
for Environment and Health in the Helmholz Assosiation
Dr. Martin Gesing, municipal museum Beckum, just before silence
Dr. Maria Linsmann, museum Burg Wissem Troisdorf, so far away-so close
Dr. Gabriele Uelsberg, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Borobudur-the
energy of spaces
Textes in the catalogue: Benedikt Birckenbach-just before silence
Catalog to the exhibitions at the convent Bentlage 2005,
municipal museum
Beckum 2006,
publicmuseum Siegburg 2006
Felicitas Müller, article in the journal Galerie Plan 31,
1.2003, dynamical spaces-the work
of the sculptor Benedikt Birckenbach
Andrea von Bardenleben, article in the journal Vernissage
14/06 to the
exhibition CUT
at the GEA-group-center Bochum